Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Group Installation Scheme

Thresholds are a key idea in our installation. We are playing with the idea of inside and outside and private and communal spaces. Door frames are used to define a threshold however our idea is about the blurring of this threshold, this is shown with the deconstruction of the doorway. Our installation heavily relies on the play on visual and audio senses through the use of one point perspective view and associative, atmospheric sound with indoor and outdoor environments.
Emma Farmer & Aditi Kumar: Plan layout showing possible floor configuration of group installation, April 2013, SketchUp.
Emma Farmer: Collage showing interior context of group installation idea, April 2013, & Adobe Photoshop.
Aditi Kumar: Collage showing exterior context of group installation idea, April 2013, SketchUp & Adobe Photoshop.  

 Three door frames are used to represent the group of five friends as they are like three families (the two couples and the single friend) It plays on the relationship between the three 'families' and how they are three individual elements yet come together united at points (as they all pooled their resources to buy a house). The center of the three triangles represents this unity by allowing all three frames to be view from the same spot as you turn around. The three other views (from the outside of the structures) show only one door frame lined up (as seen above) reinforcing the individuality of each 'family'.

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