Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Group Installation Scheme

Thresholds are a key idea in our installation. We are playing with the idea of inside and outside and private and communal spaces. Door frames are used to define a threshold however our idea is about the blurring of this threshold, this is shown with the deconstruction of the doorway. Our installation heavily relies on the play on visual and audio senses through the use of one point perspective view and associative, atmospheric sound with indoor and outdoor environments.
Emma Farmer & Aditi Kumar: Plan layout showing possible floor configuration of group installation, April 2013, SketchUp.
Emma Farmer: Collage showing interior context of group installation idea, April 2013, & Adobe Photoshop.
Aditi Kumar: Collage showing exterior context of group installation idea, April 2013, SketchUp & Adobe Photoshop.  

 Three door frames are used to represent the group of five friends as they are like three families (the two couples and the single friend) It plays on the relationship between the three 'families' and how they are three individual elements yet come together united at points (as they all pooled their resources to buy a house). The center of the three triangles represents this unity by allowing all three frames to be view from the same spot as you turn around. The three other views (from the outside of the structures) show only one door frame lined up (as seen above) reinforcing the individuality of each 'family'.

Group Installation Brainstorm

BRIEF: Design and build a group installation for your client group (Group of 5 Friends) which represents your new New Zealand Ideal of the Home & Land. Use a key moment from your individual designs you wish to tackle in this installation.

Emma Farmer, Aditi Kumar & Kelly Chapman: Diagram of Initial Ideas for Group of 5 Friends Installation, April 2013, Adobe Illustrator.
Emma Farmer, Aditi Kumar & Kelly Chapman: Threshold Diagram for Group of 5 Friends Installation, April 2013, Adobe Illustrator.

Emma Farmer: Collage of key moment for Group of 5 Friends, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.
A key moment for the group of 5 friends in my design happens at the threshold between the road and the site where the light-well is directly visible from the street. The threshold between the communal hallway and individual units is also a key moment for them as their unit is at the front. This means everyone walks past the group of 5 Friends unit to get to their own individual units. Creating privacy whilst still allowing light into the hallway is achieved with the use of a screen around the light-well which acts as a visual threshold.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Interior & Exterior Spaces

Emma Farmer: Refined Collage of interior for Group of 5 Friends, April 2013, Autdesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.

Emma Farmer: Refined Collage of interior for Multi-generational Family, April 2013, Autdesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.

Emma Farmer: Refined Collage of interior for Nuclear Family, April 2013, Autdesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.

Emma Farmer: Refined Collage of outdoor living for Retired Couple, April 2013, Autdesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Refined Section

Emma Farmer: Refined Section of developed scheme 4, April 2013, Autodesk Revit & Adobe Illustrator.
Possible Details:

Emma Farmer: Composite Concrete Floor Detail, April 2013, AutoCAD  & Adobe Illustrator.
 Emma Farmer: Roof Detail, April 2013, AutoCAD  & Adobe Illustrator.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Developed Scheme 4 Plans

Emma Farmer: Refined Level 1 Plan of developed scheme 4, April 2013, Autodesk Revit, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop.

Emma Farmer: Refined Level 2 Plan of developed scheme 4, April 2013, Autodesk Revit, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Specific Client Group Objects/Spaces

Group of 5 Friends

Emma Farmer: Screen pattern, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.
A key issue for the group of 5 friends is privacy. As their unit is at the front of the site they have the most exposure both to the street and also to the other families coming and going. The screen is used around the light-well to allow light to both enter and exit the space without compromising the visual privacy of the unit.
Emma Farmer: Collage showing screen between communal hallway and Group of 5 Friends unit, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.


Multi-Generational Family
Emma Farmer: Diagram showing possible rotations of bookshelf, April 2013, AutoCAD & Adobe Illustrator.

The Ideal for the Multi-Generational Family is the ability to create individual space. The rotating bookshelf allows each family member the ability to store their own belongings, it also gives the option of closing off certain users shelves. This activates the back of the shelves which can be used for study notes or posters, allowing users to personalise the space while they are using it.
Emma Farmer: Collage showing rotating bookshelf for the Multi-Generational Family, April 2013, AutoCAD & Adobe Photoshop.

Nuclear Family
Emma Farmer: Plan, Perspective & Elevations of outdoor seat, April 2013, Rhinoceros & Adobe Photoshop.

The Ideal for the Nuclear Family is about activating the outdoor space. The outdoor seat is designed with two adjacent seats with a small table between, however the perforated surface allows it to be used as a hiding spot for the kids, a central meeting location or a climbing object. When the children grow up the seat can be used to grow vines or other such vegetation, making it blend in with the environment and creating a serene spot of retreat.

Emma Farmer: Nuclear Family Collage showing key idea of activating outside space for young kids, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.

Retired Couple

The Ideal for the Retired Couple differs to that of the other families as they desire to have interaction with the others. As a result of this, they have their living in the communal area allowing a visual and physical connection to the other families where they see people as they come and go during the day without imposing on the families privacy.

Emma Farmer: Retired Couple Collage showing public living areas, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Interior Collages

Emma Farmer: Refined collage of 5 Friends living area, internal courtyard/stairwell, April 2013, Autodesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.
Emma Farmer: Collage of Nuclear Family indoor & outdoor living area, April 2013, Autodesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.
Emma Farmer: Collage of Multi-Generational house second living & study area, April 2013, Autodesk Revit & Adobe Photoshop.
Emma Farmer: Collage of communal entrance hallway, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.

Emma Farmer: Refined Sectional Collage of communal entrance/service area, April 2013, Adobe Photoshop.